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#MyPlateChallenge Week 2 - Fruits & Physical Activity

January 09, 2017 Melissa Ciampo, RD, Nutritionist, USDA Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion

The MyPlate Team welcomes you to Week 2 of our 5-week New Year’s Challenge! Last week we focused on the Dairy Food Group and physical activity. This week we’re adding another food group to the mix… fruit! So, what foods are in the Fruit Group? This food group includes all fruits and 100% fruit...

Food and Nutrition

Kick off a Healthy New Year with SuperTracker!

January 04, 2017 Corey Holland, RD, and Erica Gavey, RD; both Nutritionist Consultants at the Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion

Do your New Year’s resolutions include a healthier eating style and more physical activity? Whether you find inspiration from a personal challenge, or by competing with others in a group, we have the tools to keep you motivated and help you reach your goals with updated features in SuperTracker, the...

Food and Nutrition

Welcome to the MyPlate New Year’s Challenge

January 03, 2017 Erica Gavey, RD; Nutritionist Consultant, Office of Nutrition Marketing and Communications, Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion, and Kara Carter, University of Maryland Dietetic Intern

The MyPlate Team welcomes you to join us for a fun and competitive way to start the New Year—join our MyPlate New Year’s Challenge! The MyPlate Team is hosting a 5-week challenge, featuring a new food group each week along with physical activity. Join our New Year’s Challenge now by visiting our...

Initiatives Food and Nutrition

MyPlate, MyWins: Find Your Real Solutions for a Healthy New Year

December 28, 2016 Kevin Concannon, USDA Under Secretary for Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services

Every January, Americans are bombarded with information about New Year’s resolutions. While many of us set our hopes high on January 1 st, our commitment to our lofty resolutions tends to dwindle over time. In fact, by June, less than half of us are still committed to accomplishing our New Year’s...

Food and Nutrition

It's Almost Time to Think about New Year's Resolutions...Almost!

December 15, 2016 Brooke Hardison, Director of Nutrition Marketing and Communications, Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion

The holiday season is a wonderful, exciting, and incredibly busy time. Between the celebrations, family gatherings, and the food ( so much food!), healthy eating isn’t likely the first thing on your mind. And that’s OK. In a few short weeks, many of us will be turning our attention to the new year...

Food and Nutrition

That's a Wrap! Meet the 6 Families from the #MyPlateMyWins Video Series!

December 01, 2016 Melissa Ciampo, RD, Nutritionist, USDA Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion

In March, we kicked off our MyPlate, MyWins video series and introduced you to six American families, each from different backgrounds with their own unique approach to healthy eating. From Shelley, a single mom to Carol and Brad, a farm family with four children – we hope you enjoyed hearing their...

Food and Nutrition

Now What? 5 Ways to Use Leftover Turkey

November 21, 2016 Corey Holland, RD, Nutritionist Consultant, Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion

This week, many Americans will gather together with friends and family to celebrate Thanksgiving. When the fun is done, you may be left with more turkey than you anticipated. MyPlate is here to help with these unique ways to use up those leftovers!

Initiatives Food and Nutrition

Military Family Makes Healthy Eating a Priority: Meet Rocio and Her Family

November 01, 2016 Colette Rihane, MS, RD and Joanne Spahn, MS, RD, retired USAF Veterans with the Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion

Making healthy meal choices for your family, especially when you’re on the go like Rocio and her military family, can be rewarding and fun if you have the right tools. The MyPlate, MyWins video: Meet Rocio features a real-life military family sharing their tips for success. Rocio shows how she and...

Food and Nutrition

Meet Carol & Brad: The Last Family in the #MyPlateMyWins Video Series

October 25, 2016 Kristen Booze, MPH, Public Affairs Specialist, Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion

This year, our MyPlate, MyWins video series has introduced you to families sharing their solutions for incorporating healthy eating into their unique lifestyles. In the final family video, Carol and Brad share how they plan meals around foods they either produce themselves in their family garden or...

Food and Nutrition

Fall is Here! Celebrate with Pumpkin, 5 Different Ways

October 20, 2016 Corey Holland, RD, Nutritionist Consultant, Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion

Pumpkins aren’t just for Halloween! These versatile vegetables are an excellent source of vitamin A and dietary fiber. To demonstrate different ways you can incorporate this seasonal superstar, MyPlate is showcasing five easy recipes with pumpkin as the main ingredient. MyPlate encourages you to...

Food and Nutrition
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