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Media Communications Coordination

The Media Communications Coordination Team coordinates public and media communications for the Office of the Secretary, USDA general offices and mission areas, and develops policies and plans for effective execution of overall basic and operating policy for development and dissemination of public affairs information.

  • Coordinates response to inquiries from major national news outlets;
  • Coordinates development, production, and dissemination of Department-wide communications;
  • Develops national and significant Departmental news releases, statements for the media, letters-to-the editor, opinion-editorials and other information materials released through a variety of media;
  • Counsels and advises senior decision makers and agency information directors and their staff in serving the Department's many audiences;
  • Formulates policy and regulations for OC media coordination; and
  • Coordinates and reviews printed publications or reports prior to public release.

The team includes five communications coordinators serving as senior communications advisors to USDA's seven mission areas, working directly with Under Secretaries and top staff, as well as servicing the Secretary's Office and Departmental staff offices for media relations and press and public communications and strategic services.

For general queries about the Secretary’s priorities and schedule:

USDA Press
(202) 720-4623

Deputy Director of Communications
Marissa Perry

Communications Coordination Team

Coordinator Portfolio
Tara Weaver-Missick
Rm 235-W, Whitten Building
Washington, DC 20250-1301
  • Agricultural Research Service (ARS)
  • Economic Research Service (ERS)
  • National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS)
  • National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA)
  • Office of the Chief Scientist

Dirk Fillpot
Rm 405-A, Whitten Building
Washington, DC 20250-1301

  • Farm Service Agency (FSA)
  • Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)
  • Risk Management Agency (RMA)
  • Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS)
  • Animal Plant and Health Inspection Service (APHIS)
Jacqueline Susmann
Rm 206-W, Whitten Building
Washington, DC 20250-1301
  • Rural Development (RD)
Larry Moore
Rm 406-A, Whitten Building
Washington, DC 20250-1301
  • Federal Emergency Operations
  • Forest Service (USFS)
Sally Gifford
Rm 407-A, Whitten Building
Washington, DC 20250-1301
  • Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS)
  • Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights (OASCR)
  • Office of the Chief Economist (OCE)
  • Office of Partnerships and Public Engagement (OPPE)
  • Office of Tribal Relations (OTR)
Tamara Ward-Lucas
Rm 408-A, Whitten Building
Washington, DC 20250-1301
  • Departmental Administration
  • Food, Nutrition, and Consumer Service
    • Food and Nutrition Service (FNS)
  • Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs
    • Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS)
    • U.S. Codex Office


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