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Census of Agriculture

2022 Census of Agriculture Impacts the Next Generations of Farmers

February 22, 2023 Jodi Halvorson, USDA NASS Public Affairs Specialist

U.S. farmers, ranchers, and producers of every kind are growing older. The average age of farm producers (PDF, 1.8 MB) increased from 56.3 to 57.5 years from 2012 to 2017. As legacy producers retire, our nation needs the next generation of producers to take on the important business of providing...

Research and Science

Thank a Farmer this Harvest Season

November 09, 2022 USDA National Agricultural Statistics Staff

As we wrap up the harvest season and slide into the holiday season, let's take a moment to thank farmers for our favorite holiday commodities. We also thank farmers for completing their Census of Agriculture and other USDA-NASS surveys that provide data about U.S. agriculture.

Research and Science

NASS Internship Programs: A Great Path to the Federal Work Force

July 28, 2022 Terry Matlock, Public Affairs Specialist, National Agricultural Statistics Service

Today, we recognize National Intern Day—a day to celebrate the hard work and dedication interns have provide to USDA. But let’s also focus on the decision to become an intern and what it could mean for your future.

Research and Science

Bison Ranchers and Stewards Asked to Complete Bison Health and Management Study

July 01, 2022 USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service staff

What comes to mind when you think of South Dakota? Is it the Black Hills, presidential busts and bison? According to USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service’s 2017 Census of Agriculture, South Dakota has the largest inventory of bison of any state in the United States, with over 30,000 bison...

Research and Science

The Caribbean’s Role in American Agriculture

June 27, 2022 Terry Matlock, Public Affairs Specialist, National Agricultural Statistics Service

June is Caribbean American Heritage Month! Many foods and beverages originated in the Caribbean. For instance, Chocolate milk originated in Jamaica and Barbados is considered the birthplace of rum.

Equity Food and Nutrition Research and Science

An Agriculture Community Commemorates the Mule Train to DC

June 23, 2022 Gerald Tillman, Chief, National Agricultural Statistics Service, Survey Administration Branch

Last month, I had the honor to serve as keynote speaker for The Mule Train’s 54th anniversary. The Mule Train left Marks, Mississippi and traveled to Washington, D.C., on May 13, 1968, as part of Dr. Reverend Martin Luther King Jr.’s Poor People’s Campaign to demand economic justice since Marks...

Equity Research and Science

Preparing for the 2022 Census of Agriculture

February 24, 2021 Adam Cline, Supervisory Statistician, NASS Census & Survey Division

Preparation for a large survey does not happen overnight, in a few weeks, or even a year. When it comes to USDA’s flagship data collection effort, the Census of Agriculture, this is especially true. USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) started preparing for the 2022 Census of...

Research and Science

Family Farms Continue to Power U.S. Agriculture

January 27, 2021 Tony Dorn, Environmental, Economics, and Demographics Branch Chief, National Agricultural Statistics Service

What do you think of when you hear the phrase family-owned business? You may not immediately think of the family farm, but they are just as important to our economy and communities. In fact, family farms account for 96% of all U.S. farms, according to the 2017 Census of Agriculture Farm Typology...

Research and Science

Safe Agricultural Data Collection and Delivery

November 18, 2020 Jim Barrett, NASS Public Affairs

For over 150 years, USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) has been gathering accurate, timely and useful data in service to U.S. agriculture. We have many ways to collect information including from geospatial sources, administrative data from other agencies, and the familiar surveys...

Research and Science

Organic: A Thriving Agriculture Segment

October 28, 2020 Terry Matlock, NASS Public Affairs Specialist

Have you noticed, while in your local grocery store, that you have been seeing more organic products? This growing segment of agriculture is more prevalent now than it was just a decade ago and we have the data to show it.

Research and Science
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