Radio Newsline
Dairy Price Forecast Mostly Adjusted Up
00:00:59.794 2021-03-15Except for one dairy product category, most milk product and class prices were increased from the previous month in USDAs latest dairy forecast. (Rod Bain and World Agricultural Outlook Board Chair Mark Jekanowski)
USDA Announces Funding for Wetland Enhancement Projects
00:00:55.719 2021-03-15USDA is investing in projects to restore, protect and enhance the nation's wetlands. (Gary Crawford and Terry Cosby, Acting Chief of USDA's Natural Resources Conservation Service)
Actuality: The Many Vital Functions of Wetlands
00:00:42.396 2021-03-15Terry Cosby, Acting Chief of USDA's Natural Resources Conservation Service, saying that wetlands are like giant sponges that soak up water and filter it before releasing it.
Modern Technology Has One Solution for Starlings at Dairies
00:00:59.977 2021-03-12Here's one innovative way to scare starlings away from dairies, before they cause millions of dollars worth of damage. (Stephanie Ho; Stephanie Shwiff, USDA's Wildlife Services; Ken Preusser, USDA's Wildlife Services)
Starlings Prefer to Roost in Dairies in the Northern U.S.
00:00:59.324 2021-03-12During the cold winter months, nuisance birds like starlings prefer to roost in dairies in the northern part of the country. (Stephanie Ho; Stephanie Shwiff, USDA's Wildlife Services; Ken Preusser, USDA's Wildlife Services)
Different Methods to Deter Starlings From Roosting in Dairies
00:00:58.540 2021-03-12There are a host of different methods that can be used to deter nuisance birds like starlings from roosting in your dairy. (Stephanie Ho; Stephanie Shwiff, USDA's Wildlife Services; Ken Preusser, USDA's Wildlife Services)
Actuality: Variety of Starling Harassment Methods
00:00:32.339 2021-03-12Wildlife Service's Ken Preusser highlights some of the methods dairy producers have employed to try to scare away nuisance birds like starlings.
Considering Corn and Bean Margins this Season
00:01:00.238 2021-03-12What might corn and soybean growers expect regarding margins and breakeven prices for this upcoming growing season? (Rod Bain and Purdue University's Michael Langemeier)
2021 Comparison of Corn and Soybeans - Price and Rotation
00:00:59.898 2021-03-12What might be more profitable for producers this year when comparison price and crop rotation for corn and soybeans? (Rod Bain and Michael Langemeier of Purdue University)
More Sugar Cane Acreage in Louisiana
00:00:59.924 2021-03-12Various factors are behind a continued rise in the number of sugar cane acres in the Pelican State, and despite adverse weather of recent years. (Rod Bain and Kenneth Gravois of Louisiana State University Extension)