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Radio Newsline

Actuality: Forest Service not Working Alone in Doing Conservation Projects

00:00:16.483   2021-03-18   
John Crockett, Forest Service Associate Deputy Chief for State and Private Forestry, saying that the Forest Service is not working alone on land acquisition and land conservation projects.

Maintaining Increased SNAP Benefits is Immediate Priority

00:00:59.977   2021-03-17   
For USDA, maintaining increased SNAP benefits is an immediate priority. (Stephanie Ho and Ag Secretary Tom Vilsack)

USDA Nutrition Programs Benefit More than Just the Beneficiaries

00:00:59.141   2021-03-17   
USDA nutrition programs benefit more than just the direct beneficiaries. (Stephanie Ho and Ag Secretary Tom Vilsack)

USDA Prioritizes Feeding School Children

00:00:56.241   2021-03-17   
USDA prioritizes feeding school children. (Stephanie Ho and Ag Secretary Tom Vilsack)

USDA is Currently Examining Food Box Program

00:00:59.977   2021-03-17   
USDA is carrying out an examination of the food box program that was started in April 2020. (Stephanie Ho and Ag Secretary Tom Vilsack)

Renewal Options for Some CSP Contracts

00:00:59.350   2021-03-17   
USDA recently announced some expiring contracts under its Conservation Stewardship Program can apply for renewal by the end of March. (Rod Bain and Natural Resources Conservation Service Deputy Chief Jimmy Bramblett)

Actuality: The Broad Approach of CSP

00:00:52.114   2021-03-17   
Natural Resources Conservation Service Deputy Chief Jimmy Bramblett talks about the Conservation Stewardship Program and how it offers a broad approach to working lands conservation on farms, ranches and forests.

What are the Agricultural Impacts from Historic Snowfall?

00:00:59.872   2021-03-17   
What are the agricultural impacts of the recent historic snowfall in the High Plains? (Stephanie Ho and USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey)

Drought and February Freeze Continue to Take Toll in Southern Great Plains

00:00:59.977   2021-03-17   
Affects from a drought and a February freeze continue to take an agricultural toll in the southern Great Plains. (Stephanie Ho and USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey)

USDA to Host Listening Session on Food Box Program

00:00:56.241   2021-03-16   
USDA's Agricultural Marketing Service is hosting a public listening session on a food box program to succeed one that was started last year, in the midst of the pandemic. (Stephanie Ho and Ag Secretary Tom Vilsack)

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