Radio Newsline
How Has Weather Impacted Winter Wheat Condition?
00:00:59.977 2021-03-09How has the weather impacted winter wheat condition in several key areas of the country? (Stephanie Ho and USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey)
Two Storms are Heading to the United States
00:00:59.977 2021-03-09Two storms are heading to the United States. (Stephanie Ho and USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey)
Storm to Bring Heavy Rain and Severe Weather Later this Week
00:00:56.424 2021-03-09A storm later this week may bring heavy rain and severe weather to the southern part of the country. (Stephanie Ho and USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey)
Heavy Rain Could Impact Areas that were Recently Soaked
00:00:58.775 2021-03-09More heavy rain could again impact areas that were recently soaked. (Stephanie Ho and USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey)
Will the Storms Bring Relief for Drought-Stricken Areas?
00:00:59.977 2021-03-09Will the storms bring any relief for drought-stricken areas of the country? (Stephanie Ho and USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey)
Actuality: Latest Texas Pasture and Oat Condition Ratings
00:00:24.476 2021-03-09USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey, has a look at some of the latest agricultural condition ratings for Texas for the week ending March 7th.
Actuality: National Weather Outlook for Mar 16 - 22
00:00:50.233 2021-03-09USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey, has the National Weather Service's outlook for the third week of this month.
National Forests and Grasslands Get a Funding Boost for Maintenance
00:00:59.062 2021-03-09The Agriculture Department's Forest Service will be investing more money this year for much needed National Forest maintenance projects. (Gary Crawford and Tina Terrell with the Forest Service)
Actuality: Background on the New Forest Service Maintenance Funding
00:00:30.955 2021-03-09Tina Terrell, Acting Deputy Chief of the U.S. Forest Service, giving some background on the new funding for maintenance projects on National Forests.
U.S.-E.U. Tariff Suspension and Ag Export Impacts
00:01:00.029 2021-03-08A supension of tariffs related to a dispute over airplanes means for U.S. agriculture a reopening for some European markets, and perhaps opportunities for ag in any future U.S.-E.U. trade agreement. (Rod Bain and Secretary Tom Vilsack)