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Showing: 1 - 10 of 836 Results
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Indoors or Outdoors, Horticulture and Holidays Go Together

December 21, 2020 Jodi Halvorson, USDA NASS Public Affairs Specialist

With the holiday season upon us, you may have missed the recent release of the 2019 Census of Horticultural Specialties Report. This 2017 Census of Agriculture special study is the only source of detailed production and sales data for floriculture, nursery, and specialty crops for the entire United...

Research and Science

Growing Connections Across USDA for Innovation in Food Safety and Nutrition

December 18, 2020 Stephanie Morris, PhD, AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellow, Peggy Biga, PhD, AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellow, Jodi Williams, PhD, Senior Advisor for Nutrition and Food Safety, Office of the Chief Scientist, USDA

Though our celebrations may be smaller and closer to home this holiday season, food will still be the centerpiece of many festivities. In a year where we’re trying our best to keep ourselves and our loved ones healthy, the safety and nutrition of our food is more important to our well-being than...

Research and Science

The Science Behind Your Traditional Holiday Meal

December 16, 2020 Faith Peppers, NIFA Communications Director

Holidays are traditionally a time to focus on family, friends and food. This year, as Americans navigate this unprecedented holiday season, many are turning to the kitchen to cook up expressions of love and care.

Research and Science

Artificial Intelligence Improves America’s Food System

December 10, 2020 Scott Elliott, Agricultural Research Service Office of Communications

Technology is everywhere in the 21 st century, and America’s food system is no exception.

Research and Science Technology

Serving Savory Seafood for 2020 Holiday Meals

November 27, 2020 Peggy R. Biga, PhD, AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellow, USDA Office of the Chief Scientist and Caird Rexroad, National Program Leader for Aquaculture, Agricultural Research Service

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the United States is the second largest consumer of seafood in the world after China. With several holidays around the corner, many of us are preparing for small celebrations at home.

Research and Science

Feed Additive Promotes Safer Chicken for Consumers

November 23, 2020 Scott Elliott, Agricultural Research Service Office of Communications

Scientists from the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) have found that feeding baby chicks a special diet rich in dietary supplements can boost their immune systems when they are most vulnerable.

Research and Science

NIFA Funds Tribal Programs to Support Learning, Health & Opportunity

November 20, 2020 Erin Riley, NIFA National Program Leader, Tribal Programs

USDA’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) funds programs that promote learning, opportunities and health in Tribal communities. The total amount NIFA invested in all Tribal programs in FY 2020 was approximately $28 million.

Research and Science

Safe Agricultural Data Collection and Delivery

November 18, 2020 Jim Barrett, NASS Public Affairs

For over 150 years, USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) has been gathering accurate, timely and useful data in service to U.S. agriculture. We have many ways to collect information including from geospatial sources, administrative data from other agencies, and the familiar surveys...

Research and Science

Organic: A Thriving Agriculture Segment

October 28, 2020 Terry Matlock, NASS Public Affairs Specialist

Have you noticed, while in your local grocery store, that you have been seeing more organic products? This growing segment of agriculture is more prevalent now than it was just a decade ago and we have the data to show it.

Research and Science

Organic 101: Allowed and Prohibited Substances

October 27, 2020 Miles McEvoy, National Organic Program Director

This is the second installment of the Organic 101 series that explores different aspects of the USDA organic regulations. Organic standards are designed to allow natural substances in organic farming while prohibiting synthetic substances. The National List of Allowed and Prohibited Substances—a...

Food and Nutrition Research and Science


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