I joined more than 20 U.S. companies and farm groups last month on the first FAS trade mission to Brazil. The trip provided the opportunity to expand agricultural exports and further develop business relationships in the cities of Recife and São Paulo. Over five days, participants had more than 275 one-on-one business meetings, resulting in $6.7 million in projected sales of U.S. farm and food products to Brazil over the next 12 months.
The trade mission also proved timely for U.S. ethanol companies and associations grappling with the recent policy changes impeding ethanol exports to the country. USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) helped facilitate industry-related site visits and stakeholder meetings for those in the ethanol delegation, including participation in a regional ethanol conference, a tour of the Port of Suape and meetings with Brazilian government staff. All of these efforts helped the U.S. ethanol representatives gain a greater understanding of the recent changes and will play a critical role in their efforts to push for full market access to Brazil.
This mission exemplifies how we at FAS directly serve USDA customers, deliver results for U.S. exporters and link U.S. agriculture to the world. I have found that when individuals and companies want to start exporting to a particular market, they often don’t know how and where to begin. This is where we step in to help get the job done! We give companies an opportunity to learn in-person about local markets, to build relationships with prospective customers face-to-face and to promote their high-quality, U.S. produced agricultural products.
And most importantly, our trade missions not only help open doors for U.S. exporters, but each year they generate millions of dollars in export sales.
If you are interested in expanding into new foreign markets, check out our trade programs to learn how we can help deliver results for you. To learn more and to stay up-to-date on trade mission opportunities, visit https://www.fas.usda.gov/topics/trade-missions.