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Ag Rewards Exceed Paycheck for a Tennessee Farm Family

The Mayberry farming operation in Hurricane Mills, Tenn., consists of nearly 1,200 acres of soybean and corn row crops, along with more than 200 beef cattle and hay. Eric, Ethan and Eddy Mayberry exemplify farming through their dedication, passion and three generations of family farming tradition. The Mayberry’s are avid supporters and educators of agriculture through active participation with the Farm Service Agency County Committees, Farm Bureau Board, and 4-H.

Rural Development in Tennessee Observes Earth Day by Planting Trees, Purifying Drinking Water

Planting trees is a very traditional way to celebrate Earth Day. Over the years the trees grow up to do many good things for the environment; filter water runoff before pollutants slip into streams, supply the oxygen we breathe and even reduce energy bills by cooling homes and businesses with their shade.

USDA’s Nutrition Tour Makes Pit Stop in South Carolina

Cross-posted from the blogBy Julie Paradis, USDA Food and Nutrition Service Administrator

This week I got a chance to travel to South Carolina and to talk to child nutrition staff from South Carolina as well as surrounding States like Tennessee, Mississippi and North Carolina about how we plan to improve school meals and the overall health of our nation’s children. It was a great group and a productive discussion.