Assistive Technology Evaluation
Determine the technology solution that best fits the needs of the individual and job function.
National Loan Program
Evaluate assistive technology (AT) and ergonomic equipment prior to requesting an accommodation or making a purchase.
Emergency Preparedness
Provide information and advocacy for people with disabilities in emergency situations.
Technology Demonstrations
Introduce USDA employees to the latest assistive technology (AT) and ergonomic equipment available.
Temporary Scooter Loans
Alleviate in-building temporary mobility issues for DC-area USDA employees.
Technology Showcase Tours
TARGET Center offers scheduled tours for employees, supervisors, partners and students. We demonstrate a wide range of assistive technology and ergonomic equipment and discuss their impact on the workplace.
Ability Awareness Training
TARGET Center is available to provide trainings related to assistive technology, ergonomics, and universal design.
Presentations and Exhibits
The TARGET Center is available to present or host an exhibit booth at meetings, trainings, and events across the United States. For those outside of the National Capital Region (NCR), we are able to participate through VTC or webcasting.
Ergonomic Evaluation
The USDA TARGET Center provides ergo assessments to USDA employees nationwide.