More than one million children are homeschooled nationwide, and with that, over a million parents have committed huge amounts of time, money and patience into ensuring their children receive specialized one-on-one education. USDA Rural Development understands the challenges of homeschooling, and is an ally to the folks in rural America who choose this path.
In Marysville, California a unique charter school offers a special opportunity to homeschooled students: teachers and classrooms. CORE @ the Camptonville Academy utilizes a Personalized Learning model which tailors one-on-one teaching with a focus on individual learning styles. Students who learn at home can come to the Academy for specialized classes and attention in subjects from math and science to 3D animation and robotics.
Through our Community Facilities Loan and Grant Program, USDA Rural Development provided CORE @ the Camptonville Academy financial assistance to build and help equip a 15,500 square foot Resource Learning Center to better serve some of California’s rural homeschoolers.
This investment, to me, is not just about supporting one charter school; this investment is also in all of the parents who dedicate their time, money and patience into ensuring their child is receiving a personalized education. CORE @ the Camptonville Academy is a great model of how traditional classroom and homeschool learning can intermingle and balance out into meaningful and effective educational opportunities for students and teachers alike.
As a nation, we need to ensure resources are available to all students regardless of how they learn best. This investment is just one example of what USDA Rural Development can help your community accomplish. Our USDA Rural Development website has more information on the programs available to benefit our American Small Town learning opportunities.