Radio Newsline
Actuality: Trends in Cover Crops
00:00:49.293 2021-02-18Steve Wallander of the Economic Research Service discusses some of the trends discovered in a recent USDA study on cover crops.
Actuality: Connecting Cover Crops and Conservation Practices
00:00:30.615 2021-02-18USDA researcher, Steve Wallander, discusses some of the findings of a recent study on cover crops and some connections to other conservation practices.
FSA Programs Available in Wake of Arctic Outbreak
00:00:59.715 2021-02-17Disaster assistance programs through the Farm Service Agency are available for livestock producers and other growers impacted by the current arctic outbreak. (Rod Bain and Acting Administrator Steve Peterson)
USDA Has Help for Animals Impacted by Severe Cold
00:00:58.200 2021-02-17USDA is ready to help animals -- whether pets or livestock -- that are suffering impacts of the severe cold weather. (Stephanie Ho and Brad Rippey, USDA meteorologist)
Documentation for FSA Livestock Disaster Programs
00:01:00.003 2021-02-17Livestock producers impacted by the recent arctic outbreak will need appropriate documentation of losses to apply for USDA Farm Service Agency disaster programs. (Rod Bain and FSA Acting Administrator Steve Peterson)
Actuality: Arctic Outbreak and FSA Disaster Programs
00:00:59.715 2021-02-17Farm Service Agency Acting Administrator Steve Peterson discusses two programs available to assist livestock producers impacted by the recent arctic outbreak over parts of the nation.
The Dairy Story for 2021--More Milk/Lower Prices/Higher Feed Costs
00:01:00.107 2021-02-17Dairy producers who did not sign up for the Margin Protection Coverage program may be second-guessing that decision after seeing USDA's new dairy forecasts. (Gary Crawford and Mark Jekanowski, USDA Outlook Board Chairman)
Actuality: The Dairy Product Price Situation
00:00:55.040 2021-02-17Mark Jekanowski, USDA Outlook Board Chairman, commenting on the price situation and new 2021 outlook for dairy product prices.
Part of the Team in COVID Vaccine Distribution Efforts
00:01:00.342 2021-02-16U.S. Forest Service incident management teams have been part of response efforts throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, including recent support in distributing vaccines at vaccination centers. (Rod Bain and Gordy Sachs of the Forest Service)
Actuality: Forest Service Support Teams in Vaccine Distribution Efforts
00:01:00.212 2021-02-16Gordy Sachs of the U.S. Forest Service discusses support and incident management efforts throughout the country in distribution of COVID-19 vaccinations.