Nebraska news media, including local daily and weekly newspapers and radio stations around the state highlighted the energy tour conducted by USDA Rural Development Nebraska State Director Maxine Moul on March 23. She met with three Nebraska businesses that were assisted through the Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) for energy efficiency improvements. The visits stemmed from the release of the USDA report highlighting the impact of the program on promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy.
Business visits started with Main Street Floral, LLC in Superior, which received a grant of more than $5,000 to install an energy efficient front door, windows and lighting. The improvements also gave the store a new main street updated curb appeal. Monson’s Garage in Sutton utilized a nearly $2,800 grant for energy efficient polyurethane foam roofing and replacing the interior lights. The business realized a savings of 64 percent in year one and 70 percent in the second year after project completion. Greg’s Market in Exeter utilized a more than $11,000 grant to install energy efficient freezers, new compressor units and lighting. The business realized actual energy savings of 46 percent in year one and 33 percent in the second year after project completion.