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Reimbursement Transportation Cost Payment Program (RTCP)

checkmark icon This program may have additional incentives or benefits for those who are underserved. Learn more about our terminology.


Reimburses producers for part of the cost to transport agricultural commodities or inputs used to produce an agricultural commodity.

Farm Service Agency (FSA)

Transportation reimbursement Geographically disadvantaged farmers and ranchers in an insular area Visit


This program reimburses eligible producers (below) for a portion of the cost of transporting eligible commodities (below).


Producers must:

  • Be a geographically disadvantaged farmer or rancher producing, marketing and transporting an agricultural commodity in an insular area, including:  Hawaii; Alaska; Commonwealth of Puerto Rico; Guam; American Samoa; Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands; Federated States of Micronesia; Republic of the Marshall Islands; Republic of Palau; and Virgin Islands of the United States.
  • Provide proof of the amount of costs incurred for the transportation of the agricultural commodity or input
  • Comply with conservation and wetland protection requirements on their land
  • Be a person or legal entity with an average adjusted gross income that does not exceed $900,000
  • Be a citizen or a legal resident alien of the United States
  • Commercial fishermen are not eligible for RTCP benefits

The following agricultural commodities are eligible:

  • Aquaculture; Feed; Fiber; Floriculture; Food; Horticulture, including trees; Insects or products thereof; and Livestock, including elk, reindeer, bison, horses and deer.


Enrollment occurs every fiscal year.




  • File an application for benefits at the FSA Service Center that maintains the farm records for your business.
  • Applicants located in some areas may have differing submission instructions.




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Page last updated: May 2, 2023