Radio Newsline Archive
Remembering Robert Dole
00:00:59.663 2021-12-06The legacy of Robert Dole is notable throughout USDA, including one program that is in part named in his honor. (Rod Bain and former U.S. Senator Robert Dole)
Rapidly Changing Economic Conditions Make it Hard to Do Commodity Forecasts
00:01:00.029 2021-12-06USDA analsyts face a tough job this week as they try to make this month's Ag. Supply and Demand forecasts in a time of rapidly changing economic conditions. (Gary Crawford and USDA Outlook Board Chairman Mark Jekanowski)
**Broadcasters, USDA will release its new Ag. Supply and Demand forecasts this Thursday, Dec. 9, at noon EST**
Actuality: Foreign Crop Conditions Play Roll in USDA Supply/Demand Forecast
00:00:37.825 2021-12-06Mark Jekanowski, USDA Outlook Board Chairman, saying that weather and crop conditions in other countries will play a big part in formulating this week's new agricultural supply and demand forecasts.
How Crop Insurance Meets Challenges
00:01:00.186 2021-12-06A challenging two years for ag producers has led to innovations and flexibilities from the crop insurance industry to help growers mitigate these circumstances. (Rod Bain and Tom Zacharias of National Crop Insurance Services)
Actuality: Example of Crop Insurance Innovation and Flexibility
00:00:43.206 2021-12-06Tom Zacharias of National Crop Insurance Services talks about the Hurricane Wind Index - an example of innovation and flexibility within insurance products for ag producers.
U.S. Farmers Shifted to Production Overdrive after Pearl Harbor Attack
00:01:00.238 2021-12-06The attack 80 years ago on Pearl Harbor sent U.S. farmers into production overdrive, helped by civilian victory gardens. (Gary Crawford, Anne Effland and former President Franklin Roosevelt)